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[ GTA SA | IV ] X GXT Editor xmen
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February 18, 2010 15:59:36      #18
Joined On : Jun 12, 2009
Total Posts : 72

X GXT Editor

X GXT editor is the first and only available GXT editor for GTA 4. X GXT editor can modify both GTA SA and GTA 4 GXT files. It has been designed to work flawlessly on GXT files of both games. 

The user interface is optimized to be as user friendly as possible yet still deliver advanced features for GXT editing.

Screenshots V.1.0

Top Features & Changes


  • Fastest Performance
  • Advance Analysis Tools
  • Advance Find System
  • Supports both GTA SA and GTA 4
  • Flexible Hash Tables


  • Added Character Editor
  • Added Fonts*.dat Reader
  • Added Preview
  • Added Import/Export Tables From/To Text Files
  • Fixed Text Reading Bug(Germen chars)
  • Enhanced Hash Table Creator
  • Enhanced Item Editor
  • Enhanced Find Engine  


Its way to secure for your files while you modify 'em. XGE do not directly write to your target file, instead, it creates a temporary file and when done it replaces the actual file with the temporary one. And if in meantime any error occurs your actual file will be safe and untouched. However, I've tried to develop it an error free tool but no-one can guarantee for unpredictable errors. In short, you do not have to worry about the file corruption by any error in the saving process.


The performance of XGE is quite impressive even though its a multi-threaded application. Furthermore, it is able to show millions of items in few milliseconds. However, it may take few seconds in matching CRC values from Hash Tables as the calculations goes in billions. But you can disable CRC matching process by going in Option menu.

NOTE : If you disable CRC matching, you can not see names of items.


INFO : V.2.0 is under development, many things added and removed.

- Edited by xmen | March 06, 2010 15:06:11
Re:[ GTA SA | IV ] X GXT Editor Straight Link
July 22, 2011 03:48:00      #109
Joined On : Jul 22, 2011
Total Posts : 2

Thats awesome!

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