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User Posts Viewer Walter_Correa
Re:Excellent applications, but I need help !!!!! Straight Link
August 07, 2011 14:49:56      Posted in : Excellent applications, but I need help !!!!! #113
Joined On : Aug 07, 2011
Total Posts : 2

Thank Xmen, I think this zone placer and audio is not going to use, but the problem is about the weapons: The following weapons do not appear on program menu to add, you know, I searched the list of weapons, but do not appear to put ? In the program menu does not appear Sawnoff - Shotgun and Armour! These two are the most accurate and do not appear in the program already tried in other versions, I'm using the latest 5.0 beta 6, but not found! I really need! If you can help me .... thanks!

Excellent applications, but I need help !!!!! Straight Link
August 07, 2011 09:13:54      Posted in : Excellent applications, but I need help !!!!! #111
Joined On : Aug 07, 2011
Total Posts : 2

Hello, I My name is Walter! I'm from Brazil, so pardon my English! I just want to say I am happy to find this site and enjoy the benefits of the applications that are here! I want to congratulate and thank the Author of it all (X-Men). I am creating a modified version of GTA San Andreas and was in need of some programs that I found here, I really liked, but I am having some difficulties and want to help a lot!

My first need: I am using IPL Helper to nests of weapons in GTA SA, but I can not spawn the weapon: Sawoff - Shotgun and Armour. Can anyone help me, because I have not found the weapons menu.

My second need: I'm dying to use the tools and ZONE PLACER and AUDIO PLACER, but I need a tutorial I explain how I do everything to work properly!

I pray with all my heart this helps!
My email is:

Thank you!

- Edited by Walter_Correa | August 07, 2011 09:19:17
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